Saturday, February 16, 2013

January Happenings

In January we celebrated my Birthday! Sunday we watched a movie to celebrate my Birthday before the week began. Lucy and Brett were really into it.

We ate out at Red Robin for my Birthday (free burger, yes!) and Brett will hate that I posted this picture. Oh well's the only proof we went.

Instead of making a giant cake, we do little treats since there is only two of us. Donuts won this year, and they really hit the spot. I got a few little gifts, but my big gift is what I have wanted for a long time, a new DSLR camera. The package came with a bag and a few different lenses which is awesome! I am so excited but really need to practice. Any takers out there who will let me?

It was a low key laid back Birthday which was great for us. I can't believe I am into my upper twenties now.

Oh and not related to my Birthday, this is a photo we took when baby sitting in January. Can you see their little dog lounging out? Lucy would be jealous if she knew.

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