Monday, December 3, 2012

Catching up

Since we updated our phones, I have had less desire to post on our blog since I feel like I can connect and post pictures in other ways. I started looking back to the first few posts of our blog and realized I love how I can look back on what we have done the last four years of our marriage. This is our family journal, so I am now more motivated to update, even if our posts are pretty boring! So here is what has happened in the last few months.
We carved our home grown pumpkins with friends. 
This year we actually had a lot of fun trick or treaters! We went through 5 bags of candy which was so exciting. 

Brett and I were invited to a couples party for Halloween. I was an Iphone (costume here) and Brett was Steve Jobs. I forgot to take pictures, but I am all about cheap and easy costumes. We were asked to bring a treat to share, so I made Jello brains (above) but I think they just freaked people out instead. I heard a lot of concerned comments at the table when looking at them... I guess I would have made Martha Stewart proud for how realistic they were right?

Brett's parents had to go to Utah for a few days while they were supposed to be watching the Romrell kids. Brett and I ended up watching the kids for them and it was a fun but crazy night. Brett's parents have a very full house right now despite being "empty nesters." They have one friend's son living with them while finishing out his senior year because his family moved to Boise. Then they have one of Jason's mission companion's brother (did you get that?) living there as well. Jason's mission companion will also join them in February when he finishes his mission. I won't go into details because it is a long and sad story, but the parents of these boys died suddenly when both sons were on their missions. They are trying to get into BYU-Idaho and need help so the Burton's have kind of taken them in. 

We ate pizzas, played ping pong and the Kinect all night and by the end we were exhausted. Here are some snapshots Hunter and I took of the night. 

Last but not least was Thanksgiving! We ate with Brett's family and enjoyed a relaxing day of watching football. Lucy was super excited (when is she not?) and I also had to document our thankful tree. We have so many things we have been blessed with I don't even know where to start. We have been blessed with our educations and being able to apply what we learned in college to our wonderful jobs. We have great occupations that we love, our beautiful home, and supportive family and friends. I am grateful we have two cars to drive, food to eat, and the fact that we have electricity, a warm shower and all the little things we take for granted. I am so grateful for our membership in the gospel and for our callings in church. 

I think I often take for granted how blessed we really are. I see other peoples blogs and see how perfect their family is, or all the cool activities they are doing. As lame as it sounds it's hard not to compare. I always want things to be perfect, but this year as I reflect, it has really taught me that sometimes I just need to let go. That now matter how we plan things out, that they might not happen how we want, and that's okay. Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and he will take care of us. 


Jean said...

1. I feel the same way about our blog! I want to read it in like 20 years and still have all the details. :) but it is hard, getting caught up in fbook/instagram, etc!
2. 5 bags of candy?!?!!
3. I think you should know that your last paragraph--is how I feel about you!! Haha! You're one of the "perfect" life blogs that I read and try not to compare myself too, haha. I think it's easy to make our lives seem super awesome online/paper.. but everyone's got their trials and I have the HARDEST time remembering that, and remembering that life is not all fun and games but to be happy anyway. Glad that someone else feels the same. :) Love you!!!

AB said...

Jean you are way too nice! It makes me feel better you have thought the same thing when looking at blogs etc. I think it is harder now with so much social media around! Thanks again for the kind words, and I can assure you we are not perfect haha