Sunday, September 2, 2012

Last part of Yellowstone!

Here is the final installment of our Yellowstone/Montana trip. Miss H and E ready to go horseback riding!
 The whole gang before we went- the little kids just did a small ride around the pasture. G did the whole trail with the adults by himself!

 I definitely was not feeling super confident on my horse.

 Notice my horse is different from the picture up a few? That's because half way through the trail my horse got sick! He fell over two times, which resulted in me having to jump off both times! I guess he just wanted me to get the whole cowgirl experience while I was riding. It was kind of scary...but neither one of us was hurt so I guess that was good. Brett's horse was quite the opposite of mine. Instead of feeling sick, Brett's horse ate EVERYTHING. They told us to not let them eat on the trail, but Brett's horse had other things in mind and Brett could not control him!
 We then four wheeled up the mountain to eat a little snack at the lake. Little did we know it was a long trail and would take awhile to get there. Little E fell asleep half way up the trail. How is that even possible?
 There were a bunch of random abandoned cabins on the trail.
 We got so high up we found some snow to play in. Snow in August, no thank you!

 Hiking into the lake with our treats.
 We hunted for frogs because they were literally everywhere.Can you spot the two in this picture?

 The next day we did a short walking trail over some waterfalls. 

 Brett and I then headed home, but not before seeing the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.
 Our anniversary was the day before we left on this trip, and it reminded us of how a few years earlier we were here celebrating our first anniversary!

 This is a view looking back at the waterfall we hiked to.

I had to include this last picture of us. Happy Anniversary Brett! To four great years together!

1 comment:

Adam & Emily said...

That is too funny about the horses. You look gorgeous in that last picture by the way!!!!