Monday, August 27, 2012

Yellowstone and Montana Part 2

I took way too many pictures from this trip, so it's hard to narrow them down. So please excuse my multiple posts about our trip!

Little E was always in cowboy get up.
 G wearing some of the furs found at the cabin.
 Miss H loved the furs as well!
 Sunday we did a little four wheeling.

 We then fed the horses.

 Check out G in this picture and what the horse is doing!
 Miss H decided she needed some mascara. So she went and put it on when no one was watching her. She did a great job!
 We went back to Yellowstone to the Mammoth Hot Springs.

 There were tons of elk throughout the town. They like to hang out in the shade of the buildings and trees. I guess they hang out there often because wolves will not follow them into town, but people are stupid and try to stand by them for pictures! It made finding a place to picnic very difficult since they took all the shade.

 We saw this Coyote crossing the bridge. He held up traffic which was pretty funny.
 In Cooke City we shopped and Miss H tried to be a cowgirl.
 We had a hot dog roast and s'mores!
 Mmmm s'mores and a nasty scrub brush! 

 Around the cabin we played horse shoes and badminton pretty often. 
Only one last post!

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